Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Bollywood movie, when it's time to express emotion(s). You'll hear drum beat and then suddenly the actor/actress will burst out dancing and somehow people who are around will think "Hey, I know that rhythm" and join in.

Hollywood version of bollywood movie from my POV would be musical. They too will start singing and dancing in the middle of a conversation or when they are thinking on their own but there will still be certain degree of grooving.

So, next time if you feel like expressing yourself. Try dancing and singing. I'm sure to join in if I'm around.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rukun Swing


Show the world what I see through my lens

Paint emotions that words can't describe

Delve sounds that formulate melodies

Initiate dreams that arise from an idea

How do I start?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fire Alarm

I have been living in apartment my entire life and the thing I don't get about the place where I'm currently living is their tendency to check up on the fire alarm. Every now and then, you'll hear it ring. The worse part is it can happen at any TIME of the day like let's say 7.30 this morning.

So, picture this:

A person who is used to the loud fire alarm and who don't even bother to go out to check whether is there a real fire stayed in a hostel where the fire alarm is not loud and doesn't sound like an alarm (it goes tik... tik... tik...). So, the fire alarm went on while this person still happily stayed in her room packing her stuff so that she could tour the University.

When she open the door to leave her room, 2 fireman and the housing manager passed by while giving her a why-she-still-here look. Still not realising what's going on she locked her door and leave.

When she open the door to leave her hostel, a few people were staring at her hostel so she too decided to stand with the crowd.
"What was she thinking? If it was me, I would have left the room without taking any of my belonging."
"WHO?" Only then she realised... "That was the fire alarm?"

Fortunately, the alarm was triggered because her housemate decided to cook and forgot to turn on the air ventilator, nothing was burn.

Ignorant is bliss?

Monday, January 18, 2010


I wanted to leave this blog dead until I'm back in Aust as I'm sure I won't have anything to update while I'm up in Genting (unless you guys want to hear me ranting about emo stuff). I'm spending most of my time on the internet playing online games and wishing I'm out doing ANYTHING besides watching youtube the whole day.

So, that's why I redecorated my blog and changes the title to make it looks more mature(it's the 'age' factor) but I can't guarantee that the content will be more interesting. AND how I wish I could look like the girl in my heading.

I'm hoping that none of my friends have forgotten me while I'm being a hermit up in the mountain. Will try my best to meet up with you Malaysian.
