Wednesday, July 14, 2010


As stated on my Facebook, MSN and blog... *drum rolls* I have officially GRADUATED!!! Feel free to congratulate me at the chatbox on the right or just call my phone to do so.

I haven't been actively updating my blog every since I stated studying for my finals up to receiving my final result. That's because everything in my life have been pending since then.

My visa application
I'm applying for my PR application and there are still a few documents that I still got to hand in. So, got to photocopy a few things, call up a few peoples... etc. Hopefully they won't deny my application for being overweight.

My CPA program
Got to pass them my academic transcript to them ASAP.

My job application
Finish my resume and find an entity that is willing to finance me.

My life is starting to get busy once again.