Saturday, January 26, 2008

Chinese New Year Resolution

Since I didn't make any New Year Resolution I though I'll make one this Chinese New Year. So here it goes:

  1. Lose weight. Although there is this anonymous friend of mine who compliment me for my "slim" figure. (Don't ask me who's that because seriously I still haven't figure it out). Besides that since there was someone who literally went on a diet in UK so that I can be as slim as her (I wish).
  2. Drive safely and carefully. My aim is to not scratch... Ok, scratching might occur... I'll rephrase. My aim is not to heavily damage any car that I drive no matter what speed I will be using.
  3. Get HD. Although it seems like it's kinda impossible but this is a new year resolution we're talking about.. You have to think BIG!
  4. Try something new... I'm kinda thinking about surfing right now. Seems impossible? Then refer back to the 3rd point for motivation.
  5. Listen not hear. I always complain that people don't usually listen to what I say so that is what got me thinking that I'm just the same as them.

I doubt that I will do there but like what Digi says,"it's time to change".


rumnraisin.cathz said...

Apatu HD?? hmmmm...
plus, surfing will be so cool!! u can do it in Aus! or even places like kuantan..(possible in redang or langkawi??) so it's not that impossible, at least it's much more possible than learning skiing... hehehe!

so LIM SU YING, JIA YOU!!!!!!! at least make sure u work damn hard on yr 1st resolution!!!!!


Swing said...

High Distinction...
Mo man tai!!!

manndee said...

Yup I agree with Catherine!!

Go go go...
Believe in yourself!
I'll pray for you..