Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine Day!

I have to change to another PC before I post this because the couple opposite me is giving me goosebumps. ~Love is in the air~ <3

Some people might think that Valentine day is a rip off since goodies and flowers will be selling at a freaking high price. Personally, I think that this is all peer pressure! Think about it...

Girls, if your friend were to receive flowers and gifts from her love one won't you be expecting the same (or bigger) from yours?

Guys, this is the day for "hos before bros". Your faithful partner for a round of DotA/CS/what-ever-online-games-that-you-guys-play won't be around so why not hang out with your girl.

Anyway me just want to wish you guys:

Happy Valentine Day!


Single Awarness Day (SAD) this day really exist... try googling it!

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