Tuesday, July 8, 2008

That's what neighbours are for

Before I say anything futher I would like to admit that I do not do this often and only found out about this a few minutes ago.

Anyway, I'm onlining from my home. The thing is that I'm sorta... Well, kinda... stealing borrowing wireless line from my neighbour. It all started by me simplying refusing to sleep early because it's my last week here. After getting bored from playing endless solitare, heart and freecell, i decided to "explore" my laptop. Then, I came across the "connect to" button and found a wireless connection available that need not password to be used... and here I am.

For the pass few weeks I've been eating, sleeping and watching series and movies. If I keep up my "good work" I'll be working part time as Santa this Christmas. I hope that will NEVER happen.


Brian said...

lol, ying, if it's fated, no one can stop it. :p

Swing said...

fate... funny thing

k1M H0ng said...

LOL.... I think you would make a great Santa!!! At least I would be in line to ask for presents!! Ho Ho Ho... ^A^

Swing said...

is tat suppose to be a compliment?