Tuesday, March 11, 2008

oreo is good

Remember my last post about me busy with work and stuff... Well, I'm no longer working as I'm currently loaded with assignments. It is quite frustrating knowing that I cannot handle working and studying at the same time.

There's someone whose is currently in India and I'm hoping that she will have a fun time there and the thing(s) that she forgot to bring along is not that important (keeping my fingers cross).

I just have one advise to myself before I sign off... STOP eating OREO!


manndee said...

Oreo.... Cheerio.. makes you cheery and happy!!!

After the chapter of BarSu and Barnotopia, I guess I should give you another nick for the sem or rather just this month- try SuReo/YinGoreo. Habitat: Oero Land.

rumnraisin.cathz said...

YING!!! i was right. i forgot to bring one of the most important things. Not pads (=p), but my hp charger!!!!!! shit right?? now my hp die already, charging using my lappie n it takes forever!!!!

(anyway, i have a new blog now!! give me yr wordpress account n i add u k! )


Swing said...

What's with you and making my world upside down... You should join me and b named=Deereo

muahaha.. hopefully I won't leave anything in msia when I go off or u will b the one laughing at me.. neway me gave you me details via email dy