Sunday, December 28, 2008


It started out...

Countdown into 2008

How Yee's farewell

Macau with Manndee

Farewell with...

PMs (camerawoman: Nicole)

My zhi muis (and a sesat highlander... hehe)

The metpolitians

Meeting with...

The "Australians"

How Yee (and the cameraman (kent lim) too)

Back in Malaysia...
Sister and cousins

Hmm.... I remember going to Jay Chou and Gary Cao concert this year but I can't find them. Will ask Wen bout it...

Anyway, I would like to thank my friends and family for making my 2008 a great year... A few more days and it'll be a new year where the loads of assignments awaits...

See you guys next year...


Jamy Fong said...

Good posting..^^

rumnraisin.cathz said...

are all those pics taken within last month? wow.. u have met up with quite a number of people huh? n omg ah boy looks so young in yr zhi mui pic!

Swing said...

nope... pics taken throughout the year... hahaha... i havent met up wit them yet... the pic wit my bro was taken in july last year